Source code for magic.magic

Markov Affinity-based Graph Imputation of Cells (MAGIC)

Scott Gigante <>, Daniel Dager <>
(C) 2018 Krishnaswamy Lab GPLv2

from . import utils
from scipy import sparse
from scipy import spatial
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
from sklearn.exceptions import NotFittedError

import graphtools
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numbers
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scprep
import tasklogger
import warnings

_logger = tasklogger.get_tasklogger("graphtools")

[docs]class MAGIC(BaseEstimator): """MAGIC operator which performs dimensionality reduction. Markov Affinity-based Graph Imputation of Cells (MAGIC) is an algorithm for denoising and transcript recover of single cells applied to single-cell RNA sequencing data, as described in van Dijk et al, 2018 [1]_. Parameters ---------- knn : int, optional, default: 5 number of nearest neighbors from which to compute kernel bandwidth knn_max : int, optional, default: None maximum number of nearest neighbors with nonzero connection. If `None`, will be set to 3 * `knn` decay : int, optional, default: 1 sets decay rate of kernel tails. If None, alpha decaying kernel is not used t : int, optional, default: 3 power to which the diffusion operator is powered. This sets the level of diffusion. If 'auto', t is selected according to the Procrustes disparity of the diffused data n_pca : int, optional, default: 100 Number of principal components to use for calculating neighborhoods. For extremely large datasets, using n_pca < 20 allows neighborhoods to be calculated in roughly log(n_samples) time. solver : str, optional, default: 'exact' Which solver to use. "exact" uses the implementation described in van Dijk et al. (2018) [1]_. "approximate" uses a faster implementation that performs imputation in the PCA space and then projects back to the gene space. Note, the "approximate" solver may return negative values. knn_dist : string, optional, default: 'euclidean' Distance metric for building kNN graph. Recommended values: 'euclidean', 'cosine'. Any metric from `scipy.spatial.distance` can be used. Custom distance functions of form `f(x, y) = d` are also accepted n_jobs : integer, optional, default: 1 The number of jobs to use for the computation. If -1 all CPUs are used. If 1 is given, no parallel computing code is used at all, which is useful for debugging. For n_jobs below -1, (n_cpus + 1 + n_jobs) are used. Thus for n_jobs = -2, all CPUs but one are used random_state : integer or numpy.RandomState, optional, default: None The generator used to initialize random PCA If an integer is given, it fixes the seed Defaults to the global `numpy` random number generator verbose : `int` or `boolean`, optional (default: 1) If `True` or `> 0`, print status messages Attributes ---------- X : array-like, shape=[n_samples, n_features] Input data X_magic : array-like, shape=[n_samples, n_features] Output data graph : graphtools.BaseGraph The graph built on the input data Examples -------- >>> import magic >>> import pandas as pd >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> X = pd.read_csv("../../data/test_data.csv") >>> X.shape (500, 197) >>> magic_operator = magic.MAGIC() >>> X_magic = magic_operator.fit_transform(X, genes=['VIM', 'CDH1', 'ZEB1']) >>> X_magic.shape (500, 3) >>> magic_operator.set_params(t=7) MAGIC(a=15, k=5, knn_dist='euclidean', n_jobs=1, n_pca=100, random_state=None, t=7, verbose=1) >>> X_magic = magic_operator.transform(genes=['VIM', 'CDH1', 'ZEB1']) >>> X_magic.shape (500, 3) >>> X_magic = magic_operator.transform(genes="all_genes") >>> X_magic.shape (500, 197) >>> plt.scatter(X_magic['VIM'], X_magic['CDH1'], ... c=X_magic['ZEB1'], s=1, cmap='inferno') >>> >>> magic.plot.animate_magic(X, gene_x='VIM', gene_y='CDH1', ... gene_color='ZEB1', operator=magic_operator) >>> dremi = magic_operator.knnDREMI('VIM', 'CDH1', plot=True) References ---------- .. [1] Van Dijk D *et al.* (2018), *Recovering Gene Interactions from Single-Cell Data Using Data Diffusion*, `Cell <>`__. """ def __init__( self, knn=5, knn_max=None, decay=1, t=3, n_pca=100, solver="exact", knn_dist="euclidean", n_jobs=1, random_state=None, verbose=1, ): self.knn = knn self.knn_max = knn_max self.decay = decay self.t = t self.n_pca = n_pca self.knn_dist = knn_dist self.n_jobs = n_jobs self.random_state = random_state self.solver = solver self.graph = None self.X = None self.X_magic = None self._check_params() self.verbose = verbose _logger.set_level(verbose) @property def knn_max(self): if self._knn_max is not None: return self._knn_max else: return self.knn * 3 @knn_max.setter def knn_max(self, value): self._knn_max = value @property def diff_op(self): """The diffusion operator calculated from the data""" if self.graph is not None: return self.graph.diff_op else: raise NotFittedError( "This MAGIC instance is not fitted yet. Call " "'fit' with appropriate arguments before " "using this method." ) def _check_params(self): """Check MAGIC parameters This allows us to fail early - otherwise certain unacceptable parameter choices, such as mds='mmds', would only fail after minutes of runtime. Raises ------ ValueError : unacceptable choice of parameters """ utils.check_positive(knn=self.knn) utils.check_int(knn=self.knn, n_jobs=self.n_jobs) # TODO(scottgigante): epsilon utils.check_if_not( None, utils.check_positive, utils.check_int, n_pca=self.n_pca, knn_max=self.knn_max, ) utils.check_if_not(None, utils.check_positive, decay=self.decay) utils.check_if_not("auto", utils.check_positive, utils.check_int, t=self.t) utils.check_in(["exact", "approximate"], solver=self.solver) if not callable(self.knn_dist): utils.check_in( [ "euclidean", "cosine", "correlation", "cityblock", "l1", "l2", "manhattan", "braycurtis", "canberra", "chebyshev", "dice", "hamming", "jaccard", "kulsinski", "mahalanobis", "matching", "minkowski", "rogerstanimoto", "russellrao", "seuclidean", "sokalmichener", "sokalsneath", "sqeuclidean", "yule", ], knn_dist=self.knn_dist, ) def _set_graph_params(self, **params): try: self.graph.set_params(**params) except AttributeError: # graph not defined pass
[docs] def set_params(self, **params): """Set the parameters on this estimator. Any parameters not given as named arguments will be left at their current value. Parameters ---------- knn : int, optional, default: 5 number of nearest neighbors on which to build kernel decay : int, optional, default: 1 sets decay rate of kernel tails. If None, alpha decaying kernel is not used t : int, optional, default: 3 power to which the diffusion operator is powered. This sets the level of diffusion. If 'auto', t is selected according to the R squared of the diffused data n_pca : int, optional, default: 100 Number of principal components to use for calculating neighborhoods. For extremely large datasets, using n_pca < 20 allows neighborhoods to be calculated in roughly log(n_samples) time. knn_dist : string, optional, default: 'euclidean' recommended values: 'euclidean', 'cosine' Any metric from `scipy.spatial.distance` can be used distance metric for building kNN graph. n_jobs : integer, optional, default: 1 The number of jobs to use for the computation. If -1 all CPUs are used. If 1 is given, no parallel computing code is used at all, which is useful for debugging. For n_jobs below -1, (n_cpus + 1 + n_jobs) are used. Thus for n_jobs = -2, all CPUs but one are used random_state : integer or numpy.RandomState, optional, default: None The generator used to initialize random PCA If an integer is given, it fixes the seed Defaults to the global `numpy` random number generator verbose : `int` or `boolean`, optional (default: 1) If `True` or `> 0`, print status messages Returns ------- self """ reset_kernel = False reset_imputation = False # diff potential parameters if "t" in params and params["t"] != self.t: self.t = params["t"] reset_imputation = True del params["t"] # kernel parameters if "knn" in params and params["knn"] != self.knn: self.knn = params["knn"] reset_kernel = True del params["knn"] if "knn_max" in params and params["knn_max"] != self.knn_max: self.knn_max = params["knn_max"] reset_kernel = True del params["knn_max"] if "decay" in params and params["decay"] != self.decay: self.decay = params["decay"] reset_kernel = True del params["decay"] if "n_pca" in params and params["n_pca"] != self.n_pca: self.n_pca = params["n_pca"] reset_kernel = True del params["n_pca"] if "knn_dist" in params and params["knn_dist"] != self.knn_dist: self.knn_dist = params["knn_dist"] reset_kernel = True del params["knn_dist"] # parameters that don't change the embedding if "solver" in params and params["solver"] != self.solver: self.solver = params["solver"] reset_imputation = True del params["solver"] if "n_jobs" in params: self.n_jobs = params["n_jobs"] self._set_graph_params(n_jobs=params["n_jobs"]) del params["n_jobs"] if "random_state" in params: self.random_state = params["random_state"] self._set_graph_params(random_state=params["random_state"]) del params["random_state"] if "verbose" in params: self.verbose = params["verbose"] tasklogger.set_level(self.verbose) self._set_graph_params(verbose=params["verbose"]) del params["verbose"] if reset_kernel: # can't reset the graph kernel without making a new graph self.graph = None reset_imputation = True if reset_imputation: self.X_magic = None self._check_params() return self
[docs] def fit(self, X, graph=None): """Computes the diffusion operator Parameters ---------- X : array, shape=[n_samples, n_features] input data with `n_samples` samples and `n_features` dimensions. Accepted data types: `numpy.ndarray`, `scipy.sparse.spmatrix`, `pd.DataFrame`, `anndata.AnnData`. graph : `graphtools.Graph`, optional (default: None) If given, provides a precomputed kernel matrix with which to perform diffusion. Returns ------- magic_operator : MAGIC The estimator object """ if self.n_pca is None or X.shape[1] <= self.n_pca: n_pca = None else: n_pca = self.n_pca "Running MAGIC on {} cells and {} genes.".format(X.shape[0], X.shape[1]) ) if graph is None: graph = self.graph if self.X is not None and not utils.matrix_is_equivalent(X, self.X): """ If the same data is used, we can reuse existing kernel and diffusion matrices. Otherwise we have to recompute. """ _logger.debug("Reset graph due to difference in input data") graph = None elif graph is not None: try: graph.set_params( decay=self.decay, knn=self.knn, knn_max=self.knn_max, distance=self.knn_dist, n_jobs=self.n_jobs, verbose=self.verbose, n_pca=n_pca, thresh=1e-4, random_state=self.random_state, ) except ValueError as e: # something changed that should have invalidated the graph _logger.debug("Reset graph due to {}".format(str(e))) graph = None else: self.knn = graph.knn self.alpha = graph.decay self.n_pca = graph.n_pca self.knn_dist = graph.distance try: self.knn_max = graph.knn_max except AttributeError: # not all graphs have knn_max self.knn_max = None self.X = X if utils.has_empty_columns(X): warnings.warn( "Input matrix contains unexpressed genes. " "Please remove them prior to running MAGIC." ) if graph is not None:"Using precomputed graph and diffusion operator...") self.graph = graph else: # reset X_magic in case it was previously set self.X_magic = None with _logger.task("graph and diffusion operator"): self.graph = graphtools.Graph( X, n_pca=n_pca, knn=self.knn, knn_max=self.knn_max, decay=self.decay, thresh=1e-4, n_jobs=self.n_jobs, verbose=self.verbose, random_state=self.random_state, ) return self
def _parse_genes(self, X, genes): X_sparse = sparse.issparse(X) or scprep.utils.is_sparse_dataframe(X) X_large = > 5000 * 20000 if genes is None and X_sparse and X_large: warnings.warn( "Returning imputed values for all genes on a ({} x " "{}) matrix will require approximately {:.2f}GB of " "memory. Suppress this warning with " "`genes='all_genes'`".format( X.shape[0], X.shape[1], * 8 / (1024 ** 3) ), UserWarning, ) if isinstance(genes, str) and genes == "all_genes": genes = None elif isinstance(genes, str) and genes == "pca_only": if not hasattr(self.graph, "data_pca"): raise RuntimeError("Cannot return PCA as PCA is not performed.") elif genes is not None: genes = np.array([genes]).flatten() if not issubclass(genes.dtype.type, numbers.Integral): # gene names if isinstance(X, pd.DataFrame): gene_names = X.columns elif utils.is_anndata(X): gene_names = X.var_names else: raise ValueError( "Non-integer gene names only valid with pd.DataFrame " "or anndata.AnnData input. " "X is a {}, genes = {}".format(type(X).__name__, genes) ) if not np.all(np.isin(genes, gene_names)): warnings.warn( "genes {} missing from input data".format( genes[~np.isin(genes, gene_names)] ) ) genes = np.argwhere(np.isin(gene_names, genes)).reshape(-1) return genes
[docs] def transform(self, X=None, genes=None, t_max=20, plot_optimal_t=False, ax=None): """Computes the values of genes after diffusion Parameters ---------- X : array, optional, shape=[n_samples, n_features] input data with `n_samples` samples and `n_features` dimensions. Not required, since MAGIC does not embed cells not given in the input matrix to ``. Accepted data types: `numpy.ndarray`, `scipy.sparse.spmatrix`, `pd.DataFrame`, `anndata.AnnData`. genes : list or {"all_genes", "pca_only"}, optional (default: None) List of genes, either as integer indices or column names if input data is a pandas DataFrame. If "all_genes", the entire smoothed matrix is returned. If "pca_only", PCA on the smoothed data is returned. If None, the entire matrix is also returned, but a warning may be raised if the resultant matrix is very large. t_max : int, optional, default: 20 maximum t to test if `t` is set to 'auto' plot_optimal_t : boolean, optional, default: False If true and `t` is set to 'auto', plot the disparity used to select t ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional If given and `plot_optimal_t` is true, plot will be drawn on the given axis. Returns ------- X_magic : array, shape=[n_samples, n_genes] The gene expression values after diffusion """ if self.graph is None: if self.X is not None: else: raise NotFittedError( "This MAGIC instance is not fitted yet. Call " "'fit' with appropriate arguments before " "using this method." ) if X is not None and not utils.matrix_is_equivalent(X, extrapolation = True store_result = False warnings.warn( "Running MAGIC.transform on different " "data to that which was used for may not " "produce sensible output, unless it comes from the " "same manifold.", UserWarning, ) else: extrapolation = False X = self.X data = self.graph store_result = True genes = self._parse_genes(X, genes) if genes is None: genes_is_short = False else: genes_is_short = len(genes) < self.graph.data_nu.shape[1] if isinstance(genes, str) and genes == "pca_only": # have to use PCA to return it solver = "approximate" elif self.X_magic is None and genes_is_short: # faster to skip PCA solver = "exact" store_result = False else: solver = self.solver if store_result and self.X_magic is not None: X_magic = self.X_magic else: if extrapolation: n_pca = self.n_pca if solver == "approximate" else None data = graphtools.base.Data(X, n_pca=n_pca) if solver == "approximate": # select PCs X_input = data.data_nu else: X_input = scprep.utils.to_array_or_spmatrix( if genes is not None and not ( isinstance(genes, str) and genes != "pca_only" ): X_input =, idx=genes) if solver == "exact" and X_input.shape[1] > 6000: _logger.warning( "Running MAGIC with `solver='exact'` on " "{}-dimensional data may take a long time. " "Consider denoising specific genes with `genes=<list-like>` " "or using `solver='approximate'`.".format(X_input.shape[1]) ) X_magic = self._impute(X_input, t_max=t_max, plot=plot_optimal_t, ax=ax) if store_result: self.X_magic = X_magic # return selected genes if isinstance(genes, str) and genes == "pca_only": X_magic = PCA().fit_transform(X_magic) genes = ["PC{}".format(i + 1) for i in range(X_magic.shape[1])] elif solver == "approximate": X_magic = data.inverse_transform(X_magic, columns=genes) elif genes is not None and len(genes) != X_magic.shape[1]: # select genes X_magic =, idx=genes) # convert back to pandas dataframe, if necessary X_magic = utils.convert_to_same_format( X_magic, X, columns=genes, prevent_sparse=True ) return X_magic
[docs] def fit_transform(self, X, graph=None, **kwargs): """Computes the diffusion operator and the denoised gene expression Parameters ---------- X : array, shape=[n_samples, n_features] input data with `n_samples` samples and `n_features` dimensions. Accepted data types: `numpy.ndarray`, `scipy.sparse.spmatrix`, `pd.DataFrame`, `anndata.AnnData`. graph : `graphtools.Graph`, optional (default: None) If given, provides a precomputed kernel matrix with which to perform diffusion. genes : list or {"all_genes", "pca_only"}, optional (default: None) List of genes, either as integer indices or column names if input data is a pandas DataFrame. If "all_genes", the entire smoothed matrix is returned. If "pca_only", PCA on the smoothed data is returned. If None, the entire matrix is also returned, but a warning may be raised if the resultant matrix is very large. t_max : int, optional, default: 20 maximum t to test if `t` is set to 'auto' plot_optimal_t : boolean, optional, default: False If true and `t` is set to 'auto', plot the disparity used to select t ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional If given and `plot_optimal_t` is true, plot will be drawn on the given axis. Returns ------- X_magic : array, shape=[n_samples, n_genes] The gene expression values after diffusion """ with _logger.task("MAGIC"):, graph=graph) X_magic = self.transform(**kwargs) return X_magic
def _calculate_error( self, data, data_prev=None, weights=None, subsample_genes=None ): """Calculates difference before and after diffusion Parameters ---------- data : array-like current data matrix data_prev : array-like, optional (default: None) previous data matrix. If None, `data` is simply prepared for comparison and no error is returned weights : list-like, optional (default: None) weightings for dimensions of data. If None, dimensions are equally weighted subsample_genes : like-like, optional (default: None) genes to select in subsampling. If None, no subsampling is performed Returns ------- error : float Procrustes disparity value data_curr : array-like transformed data to use for the next comparison """ if subsample_genes is not None: data = data[:, subsample_genes] if weights is None: weights = np.ones(data.shape[1]) / data.shape[1] if data_prev is not None: _, _, error = spatial.procrustes(data_prev, data) else: error = None return error, data def _impute( self, data, t_max=20, plot=False, ax=None, max_genes_compute_t=500, threshold=0.001, ): """Peform MAGIC imputation Parameters ---------- data : array-like Input data t_max : int, optional (default: 20) Maximum value of t to consider for optimal t selection plot : bool, optional (default: False) Plot the optimal t selection graph ax : matplotlib.Axes, optional (default: None) Axis on which to plot. If None, a new axis is created max_genes_compute_t : int, optional (default: 500) Above this number, genes will be subsampled for optimal t selection threshold : float, optional (default: 0.001) Threshold after which Procrustes disparity is considered to have converged for optimal t selection Returns ------- X_magic : array-like, shape=[n_samples, n_pca] Imputed data """ data_imputed = scprep.utils.toarray(data) if data_imputed.shape[1] > max_genes_compute_t: subsample_genes = np.random.choice( data_imputed.shape[1], max_genes_compute_t, replace=False ) else: subsample_genes = None if hasattr(data, "data_pca"): weights = None # data.data_pca.explained_variance_ratio_ else: weights = None if self.t == "auto": _, data_prev = self._calculate_error( data_imputed, data_prev=None, weights=weights, subsample_genes=subsample_genes, ) error_vec = [] t_opt = None else: t_opt = self.t with _logger.task("imputation"): # classic magic # the diffusion matrix is powered when t has been specified by # the user, and the dimensions of the diffusion matrix are lesser # than those of the data matrix. (M^t) * D if (t_opt is not None) and (self.diff_op.shape[1] < data_imputed.shape[1]): diff_op_t = np.linalg.matrix_power( scprep.utils.toarray(self.diff_op), t_opt ) data_imputed = # fast magic # a while loop is used when the dimensions of the diffusion matrix # are greater than those of the data matrix, or when t is not specified # (so as to allow for the calculation of the optimal t value) else: i = 0 while (t_opt is None and i < t_max) or ( t_opt is not None and i < t_opt ): i += 1 data_imputed = if self.t == "auto": error, data_prev = self._calculate_error( data_imputed, data_prev, weights=weights, subsample_genes=subsample_genes, ) error_vec.append(error) _logger.debug("{}: {}".format(i, error_vec)) if error < threshold and t_opt is None: t_opt = i + 1"Automatically selected t = {}".format(t_opt)) if plot: # continue to t_max with _logger.task("optimal t plot"): if t_opt is None: # never converged warnings.warn( "optimal t > t_max ({})".format(t_max), RuntimeWarning ) else: data_overimputed = data_imputed while i < t_max: i += 1 data_overimputed = error, data_prev = self._calculate_error( data_overimputed, data_prev, weights=weights, subsample_genes=subsample_genes, ) error_vec.append(error) # create axis if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() show = True else: show = False # plot x = np.arange(len(error_vec)) + 1 ax.plot(x, error_vec) if t_opt is not None: ax.plot( t_opt, error_vec[t_opt - 1], "ro", markersize=10, ) ax.plot(x, np.full(len(error_vec), threshold), "k--") ax.set_xlabel("t") ax.set_ylabel("disparity(data_{t}, data_{t-1})") ax.set_xlim([1, len(error_vec)]) plt.tight_layout() if show: return data_imputed
[docs] def knnDREMI( self, gene_x, gene_y, k=10, n_bins=20, n_mesh=3, n_jobs=1, plot=False, **kwargs ): """Calculate kNN-DREMI on MAGIC output Calculates k-Nearest Neighbor conditional Density Resampled Estimate of Mutual Information as defined in Van Dijk et al, 2018. [1]_ Note that kNN-DREMI, like Mutual Information and DREMI, is not symmetric. Here we are estimating I(Y|X). Parameters ---------- gene_x : array-like, shape=[n_samples] Gene shown on the x axis (independent feature) gene_y : array-like, shape=[n_samples] Gene shown on the y axis (dependent feature) k : int, range=[0:n_samples), optional (default: 10) Number of neighbors n_bins : int, range=[0:inf), optional (default: 20) Number of bins for density resampling n_mesh : int, range=[0:inf), optional (default: 3) In each bin, density will be calculcated around (mesh ** 2) points n_jobs : int, optional (default: 1) Number of threads used for kNN calculation plot : bool, optional (default: False) If True, DREMI create plots of the data like those seen in Fig 5C/D of van Dijk et al. 2018. (doi:10.1016/j.cell.2018.05.061). **kwargs : additional arguments for `scprep.stats.plot_knnDREMI` Returns ------- dremi : float kNN condtional Density resampled estimate of mutual information """ data = self.transform(genes=[gene_x, gene_y]) dremi = scprep.stats.knnDREMI( data[gene_x], data[gene_y], k=k, n_bins=n_bins, n_mesh=n_mesh, n_jobs=n_jobs, plot=plot, **kwargs, ) return dremi